Digital Editions

Books in the public domain are available for viewing on this page (simply scroll through the windows below-page may need to be refreshed to see all content). Click on the arrow in the top right (pop-out) of a book below to open on a separate page, where the book can then be either viewed (fullscreen) and/or printed to hardcopy or PDF file.

Catholic Pioneers of America by John O’Kane Murray 

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John Hanning – The Man Who Got Even With God by Reverend Marius McAuliffe, O.F.M.

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Borrowed Angel by Marguerite Hamilton

Due to it’s large size, this book has been posted separately and can be downloaded at the following link: Borrowed Angel

Red Shoes For Nancy by  Marguerite Hamilton
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God goes to Murderer’s Row by Rev. M. Raymond O.C.S.O.
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The Carrying of the Cross: Thoughts For Women on the Passion of Christ by Sister Mary Jean Dorcy, O.P.
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Read Me or Rue It by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan

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How to Avoid Purgatory by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan

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