St. Frances Xavier Cabrini ~ Additional Information

Bishop Mendez and Mother Cabrini

(excerpted from a sermon given by Bishop Santay on the 50’th anniversary of the Episcopal Consecration of Bishop Mendez)


Documentary (Super Saints – Bob & Penny Lord)

Mother Cabrini’s Well (West Park, NY)

On a sign next to the spring: When Mother Cabrini purchased this property in 1890 to establish an orphanage for girls, there was no water to be found on its grounds. Through the grace of God, Mother Cabrini told her sisters to dig in this spot. Water came forth, which continues to flow and to provide water for the St. Cabrini Home.  (Reference:

Mother Cabrini founded her first American orphanage for girls, now known as the Saint Cabrini Home in West Park, Ulster County New York.  The grounds also included an academy, the American Mother House and Novitiate, and served as Cabrini’s principle home and headquarters for the rest of her life.

The property was sold at rock bottom prices by the Jesuits who could find no water on it.  But legend has it that Cabrini prayed to find a spring on the grounds and, seemingly miraculously after years of futile searching by the Jesuits an ample, pure spring was found on a hillside where she first dug. 

 (Excerpted from:

The original Sacred Heart Orphan Asylum at West Park, New York.

The Orphan Asylum

(Note: the original buildings have since been demolished).

Mother Cabrini  Shrine (Golden, Colorado)

Mother Cabrini Shrine is a shrine in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Frances Xavier Cabrini.  Originally a summer camp for the girls from the Queen of Heaven Orphanage, the property became a place of prayer, pilgrimage and devotion after the canonization of St. Cabrini in 1946. The Shrine is open every day for visitors and pilgrims to come and pray, explore and visit.