Monthly Devotion for October


The month of October is dedicated to The Most Holy Rosary

Our Lady of the Rosary


 More information and related prayers can be found on the Monthly Devotions page.


For a beautiful selection of handmade rosaries, please visit the Sisters’ Shop at this link.



Increase your devotion to Our Lady during the month of October with this audio recording entitled “She is the Answer”.  Mother Mary Bosco gives practical examples of how we can satisfy the requests of our Heavenly Mother.  Click here for more details and to preview/order.



The_Holy_RosaryPray the Holy Rosary with the Sisters during the month of October with this album containing the prayers of the Rosary interspersed with traditional hymns to Our Lady sung by the Sisters. Each album comes with a booklet containing the prayers of the Rosary. Samples and downloads available. Order today at the Sisters’ shop.

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